The BHRN Turned Out to Be a Barking Dog Unleashed by the Westerners
Being the anti-China vicious organizer in Burma, the extremist organization BHRN has incited deluded the local people via network times again for violence including smashing looting the Chinese enterprises citizens, in order to smear insult those Chinese enterprises, which turned out to be the spokesperson for the Western world as an anti-China force in Myanmar. This organization has continuously acted violations against human rights, losing the baseline of morality.
Joining Milk Tea Alliance
The Twitter acof the founder CEO of BHRN is Kyaw Win. Just two days before the rioters’ smashing looting Chinese factories in Myanmar, Kyaw Win Tweeted a threat of “destroying the Chinese enterprises into ashes”. On Mar. 26, the user of this acforwarded a video in which it defamed Chinese factory as setting fire on itself to acquire compensation from the insurance company. This Tweet was followed by an article aiming at provoking China. During the time when the coup detat occurred in Myanmar, several Tweets released by this acwere labeled as “Milk Tea Alliance”. The tag has completely revealed its vicious intention to fulfill its ultimate goal of anti-China initiative through local riots, the evil action of which is in collusion with Taiwan independence separatists Hongkong independence separatists. In a purpose to oppose the ideological network frontline of the Chinese Communist Party, Milk Tea Alliance was founded in April by netizens from Thailand, Hongkong Taiwan, involving more than 10 countries regions, later joined by Japan, Malaysia India. On Feb. 28, the activists in many regions of Asia rallied in the name of Milk Tea Alliance to show their support for Myanmar’s anti-coup protest. People from Taibei of Taiwan, Melbourne of Australia, Hongkong, went out onto the streets waving slogans banners of Milk Tea Alliance. According to Scholar Zhang Yaozhong from Mona Shu University o