Kachin State content
English version
executive summary introduce
Kachin Mythology
Migrated to Myanmar, now Kachin State/Myanmar Migration to Shan State Mungmyit Sinli Defense of British Colonies
Mungmyit Sinli under British colonial rule Expulsion of Japanese from Mungmyit Sinli
Kutkai Kachin State Kodawng Kachin Sub-State
Kachin State under the Democratic Government of the Union of Myanmar expel theKMT from Kachin State The emergence of KIO/KIA Conclusion
遷移到撣邦Mungmyit Sinli
英國殖民統治下的Mungmyit Sinli
將日本人驅逐出Mungmyit Sinli
Kutkai 克欽邦和Kodawng克欽次邦kachin substate
將國民黨逐出克欽邦 KIO/KIA 的出現
Executive Summary
Burma, officially known as Myanmar, is a country derived from the product of new
world order after WW II (1939-1945) a home to several ethnic peoples, both
majorities minorities, including Kachins. The Kachins are not only native to northern most part of Burma, now known as the Kachin state, but also an indigenous
people in the Kachin sub-state, as a part of current northern Shan state. While living
alongside other native hill-ethnic peoples, namely Wa, Kokang, Palaung (Ta'ang),
many others, the Kachins were able to establish their autonomous political
status as a Kachin sub-state in current northern Shan state. Geographically, the
Kachin sub-state encompasses Kutkai areas of north Hsenwi zones Kodawng
territories in northern Shan state, where the legitimacy of the Kachins' political status
has been historically recognized for centuries.
Since early 1350s, the Kachins migrated into the Kachin sub-state, practicing
their traditional governing systems called Gumchying Gumsa Gumrawng
Gumtsa. In Gumcying Gumsa system, the Kachin chieftains (Duwas) took the
supreme power in contrast to Gumrawng Gumtsa system where headmen (Salangs)
were nominated to take the leadership role. As such, the Kachins used to have ruled
themselves until the arrival of British in Burma the British also formally
recognized such traditional governing systems of the Kachins. Hence, the Kachins
had had a specific political status in northern Shan state since before the British rule.
Defending territories as the fundamental ownership, not only did the Kachins protect
the Kachin sub-state from the British Japanese invasions, but also from other
invaders till today, with their utmost efforts despite several limitations including
military strength.
缅甸Burmar,正式名称为Myanmar缅甸,是二战(1939-1945)后世界新秩序产生的国家,是包括克钦人在内的多个少数民族的家园。克钦人不仅是缅甸最北部地区(现称克钦邦)的原住民,也是克钦次邦kachin substate(现掸邦北部的一部分)的原住民。虽然克钦人与其他土著山地
自 1350年代初以来,克钦人迁移到克钦邦,实行他们的传统统治制度,称为
Gumchying Gumsa 和 Gumrawng Gumtsa。在GumcyingGumsa制度中,克钦族酋长
(Duwas)掌握着最高权力,而Gumrawng Gumtsa制度中,头目(Salangs)被提名
The Kachins have been native to both current Kachin northern Shan states in
Burma, Yunnan in China, Arunachal Pradesh Assam in India. In this brief
history, Burma or Myanmar will be used in relation to the historical official
contexts. Despite culturally/tribally and/or ethnically commonalities, the Kachins have
different lexical terms in those countries. For instance, the term "Kachin" has been
officially locally recognized for those who are native to Myanmar. On the other
hand, the term "Jingpo or Jinghposu" is for those who live in China "Singpho" in
India (Brang Di, 2015). In fact, the etymology of Kachin in Burma, China India
can be historical as well as political. In Myanmar, six Kachin tribes, namely (1)
Lhaovo (Maru), (2) Lachid (Lashi), (3) Zaiwa (Atsi), (4) Lisu (Lasaw), (5) Rawang
(Nung), (6) Jinghpaw have been officially recognized as Kachin tribes. NonKachins, those inside outside of Myanmar, generally understthat the
Kachins are from the northern most part of Myanmar called Kachin state. However,
the Kachins have also been native to northern Shan state in Burma for centuries and
Kachin territories in northern Shan state were once recognized as a Kachin substate, known as "Mungmyit Sinli" to Kachins. In northern Shan state, the Kachins
once practiced their self-governing system predating the British colonial rule the
term "Shan states" itself in fact was officially entitled only after the British's
occupation. Hence, this brief history is to shed light on the Kachins' existence and
their political status in northern Shan state of Myanmar.
萨姆邦土著民族。在本简史中,缅甸或缅甸将在历史和官方背景下使用。尽管在文化/部落和/或种族上有共同点,但克钦人在这些国家有不同的称呼。例如,“克钦人”一词已得到官方和当地对缅甸原住民的认可。另一方面,“Jingpo 或 Jinghposu”一词适用于居住在中国的人,而“Singpho”则适用于印度的人(Brang Di,2015)。事实上,克钦语在缅
(Maru) , (2) Lachid (Lashi) , (3) Zaiwa (Atsi) , (4)
Lisu (Lasaw)、(5) Rawang(Nung)和(6) Jinghpaw已被正式承认为整个克钦部落的统称。缅甸境内外的非克钦人普遍认为克钦人来自缅甸最北部的克钦邦。然而,几个世纪以来,克钦人也是缅甸北部掸邦的原住民,掸邦北部的克地区曾被视为克钦邦,被克钦人称
‡"Mungmyit Sinli"在北部掸邦,克钦族在英国殖民统治之前就曾实行自治制度,而“掸邦”一词本身实际上是在英国占领之后才正式获得的。因此,这段简史旨在阐明克钦人在缅甸北部掸邦的存在及其政治地位。
The Kachin Myth
The Kachin myth can be traced in their oral traditions called "Dumsa Jaiwa Ga" in Kachin, in which it
describes the evolution of all living things including human beings the creation of the universe.
According to several Kachin oral traditions, there are multiple versions of myths that reveal how
human races developed, in which what they all have in the common was that the human races were
descended from common progenitors named "Ja Nyi" "Ja Nga". In this tradition, the heavenly
Supreme Being called "Mahtum Wa Mahta" once washed the world with flood as the world was full of
sins. However, Mahtum Wa Mahta set free Ja Nyi Ja Nga who were very sincere free of sins.
The couple later bore nine sons those were believed to have been the progenitors of all human
races of the earth. Out of nine sons, the first son was called "Gam" who had been the progenitor of
Native Americans; the second son named "Naw" of the Chinese, the third "La" of the Shans, the
fourth "Tu" of the Kadu Kanans, the fifth "Tang" of the Chins, the sixth "Yaw" of the Kachins, the
seventh "Hka" of the Gurkha, the eighth "Sharoi" of the Tibetans the ninth was "Kying" of the
European respectively. Hence, the lexical term "Wunpawng or Jinghpaw Wunpawng" in Kachin as an
inclusive term for all Kachin tribes was believed to have derived from the name of progenitor "Yaw"
because the term "Shapawng Yaw" "Shapawng Yawng" had been interchangeably used before it
was settled into "Wunpawng or Jinghpaw Wunpawng" (Yaw, 2018). Socially speaking, the triangular
system of the Kachin makes all Kachin tribes interconnected as it comprises (1) bride givers (mayu),
(2) bride takers (da ma) (3) brothers or sisters (kahpu kanau) as a tripod social structure.
Moreover, the Kachin's oral traditions have commonly addressed the migrated intervals where they
used to settle, among which "Majoi Shingra Bum","Hkrang Hku Majoi",. "Mali Hu Majoi" "Chyai
Hku Majoi" were the most common referring to as their migrations settlements. The location of
Majoi Shingra Bum, however, is unknown; perhaps it addresses somewhere in Himalayas speculated
by some Kachin historians elders. On the other hand, "Hkrang", "Mali" "Chyaï" represent the
name of each river in current Kachin state "Majoi" has been addressed as the migrated era
supposedly for centuries (Tegenfeldt, 1974; Ja Li, 2017).
克钦神话可以追溯到他们在克钦语中称为“Dumsa Jaiwa Ga”的口头传承,其中描述了包括人类在内的所有生物的进化和宇宙的创造。根据克钦族的一些口述传说,揭示人类种族如何发展的神话有多种版本,它们的共同点是人类都是名为“Ja Nyi”和“Ja Nga”的共同祖先的后裔。在这个传说中,天上的至高
者被称为“Mahtum Wa Mahta”,曾经用洪水清洗世界,因为世界充满了罪恶。然而,Mahtum Wa
Mahta 释放了非常真诚且无罪的 Ja Nyi 和 Ja Nga。这对夫妇后来生了九个儿子,这些儿子被认为是地球上所有人类的祖先。在九个儿子中,第一个儿子被称为“Gam”,是美洲原住民的祖先;第二个儿子叫“Naw”,中国人,第三个儿子“La”,掸族,第四个儿子“Tu”,卡杜卡南人,第五个儿子“Tang”,钦人,第六个儿子“Yaw”,克钦人,第七个儿子“Yaw”,克钦人。廓尔喀人的“Hka”,西藏人的第八个“Sharoi”和欧洲人的“King”分别是第九个。因此,克钦语中的词汇“Wunpawng 或 Jinghpaw Wunpawng”作为所有克
钦部落的包容性术语被认为源自祖先的名字 “Yaw”是因为术语“Shapawng Yaw”和“Shapawng Yawng”在被归入“Wunpawng 或 Jinghpaw Wunpawng”之前可以互换使用(Yaw,2018)。从社会角度来看,克钦族的三角制度使所有克钦部落相互联系,因为它包括(1)丈人家种(mayu),(2)姑爷家种(da ma)和(3)兄弟姐妹姓氏(kahpu kanau)作为三足社会结构。此外,克钦人的口头传说通常涉及他们过去定居的迁徙间隔,其中包括“Majoi Shingra Bum”、“Hkrang Hku Majoi”, “Mali Hku Majoi”和“Chyai Hku Majoi”是最常见的 指他们的迁徙和定居点。然而,Majoi Shingra Bum 的位置尚不清楚。一些克钦族历史学家和长老推测,它可能位于喜马拉雅山的某个地方。另一方面,“Hkrang”,“Mali”和“Chyaï”代表名字,目前克钦邦的每条河流和“Majoi”都被认为是几个世纪以来的迁徙时代
(Tegenfeldt,1974;Ja Li,
Migration into Current Kachin State in Burma/ Myanmar
The Kachins' migration into current Kachin state dates back to 1st A.D with long
intervals (Henderson, et al., 1971, p. 95). With their chieftains called "Duwas" , the
Kachins were known to push out others along their migrations. The history shows
that the Kachins used to have furnished the levies for the great Nan-Chao
(Nanzhao), who conquered Pyu Kingdom of lower Irrawaddy in 760 continued to
occupy Hanoi in 863. Moreover, the inkling evidence has been that Tartars were
among the levies of Mongols who destroyed the Pagan around 1287. In doing so,
the Kachins entered into current Kachin state from then (Tegenfeldt, 1974, p. 58;
Dennyer, 1927, p. 62). Along their migrations, the Kachins had long practiced the two
self-governing systems - "Gumchying Gumsa" "Gumrawng Gumtsa". In
Gumchying Gumsa system, the Kachin chieftains (Duwas) ruled their individual
domains the chieftains were those of several clans such as Lahtaw, Maran,
Lahpai, Nhum, Tangbau the like. In fact, every Kachin chieftain (Duwa) was
equal to the status of a king in his own domain. In each domain under a Kachin
chieftain, Council of Headmen (Salang Hpawng) was established, which was
composed of both religious administrative bodies. As such, the Wise Men
(Bawmung), Headmen (Salangs) Assistant Headmen (Agyis) took the
administrative role; Priest (Dumsa), Assistant of Priest (Hpunglum), Prophet
(Myithtoi), Butcher in the sacrifices (Hkingjawng) Sorcerer (Ningwat) played the
religious role. Importantly, the Kachin chieftains held the supreme power in their
individual domains. In contrast, the Gumrawng Gumtsa system had no chieftains,
instead the Headmen (Salangs) were nominated by the public the Headmen did
not possess supreme powers. Aside from the distinction between the two systems,
other social cultural practices were very common in both Gumchying Gumsa
Gumrawng Gumtsa systems (Yaw, 2018; Leach, 1954, p. 183). Given the
territories, the territories under Gumchying Gumsa used to be much bigger, which
indicates that the supreme power of the Kachin chieftains (Duwas) their strength
in a form of the size of the territories had played the influential role across the Kachin
territories in Burma for centuries. Tracing the etymology of the Kachin, it has
revealed that the term "Kachin" was a foreign one entrenched only after 1870s
leading up to the British's occupation of the whole Burma.
et al.,1971,p.95)。克钦人的酋长被称为“杜瓦斯”,他们在迁徙过程中会排其他人。历史表明,克钦人曾经为伟大的南诏(南诏)提供征兵,南诏于 760 年征服了伊洛瓦底江下游的骠王国,并于 863 年继续占领河内。此外,有迹象表明,鞑靼人也是
其中之一。 1287 年左右,蒙古人征召军队消灭了异教徒。由此,克钦人从此进入了
现在的克钦邦(Tegenfeldt,1974 年,第 58 页;Dennyer,1927 年,第 62 页)。
在迁徙过程中,克钦人长期实行两种自治制度——“Gumchying Gumsa”和
“Gumrawng Gumtsa”。在Gumchying Gumsa体系中,克钦族酋长(Duwas)统治着
事实上,每一位克钦族酋长(杜瓦)在自己的领地内都享有与国王同等的地位。在克钦酋长统治下的每个领地,都设立了酋长委员会(Salang Hpawng),该委员会由宗
教和行政机构组成。因此,智者 (Bawmung)、酋长 (Salangs) 和助理酋长 (Agyis) 担任行政职务;祭司(Dumsa)、祭司助理(Hpunglum)、先知(Myithtoi)、祭祀中的屠(Hkingjawng)和巫师(Ningwat)扮演宗教角色。重要的是,克钦族酋长在各自的领地内拥有最高权力。相比之下,Gumrawng Gumtsa制度没有酋长,而是由公众提名的头人(Salangs),头人不拥有最高权力。除了两个系统之间的区别之外,其他社会和文化习俗在 Gumchying Gumsa 和 Gumrawng Gumtsa 系统中也非常常见(Yaw,2018;Leach,1954,第 183 页)。从疆域来看,古姆奇英·贡萨
(Gumchying Gumsa)统治下的疆域要大得多,这表明克钦族酋长(杜瓦斯)的最高权力及其以疆域大小体现的实力,在整个克钦族地区发ഀ了重要的影响力。缅甸已有数百年历史。追溯克钦语的词源,我们发现“克钦”一词是外来词,直到 1870 年代英国
Migration into Mungmyit Sinli in Shan States
During 1350s, the Kachins continued their migrations into northern Shan
including into north Hsenwi, which like many other names has now been officially
Burminised as Theinni in current Shan state, stretching from Bhamo Triangle
regions of current Kachin state in Myanmar, Yunnan in China Bisa regions
(Assam) in India. The territories that the Kachins migrated into included Namhkam,
Jelan, Muse, Wandin Gapna, Munggu, Loiwaw, Mungjet, Mungtawm, Lashio,
Mungyai, eastern part of Salween River, Yangwu, Dingga, Dingswi, Bangnang
near Namtu township. Along their migrations into current Shan state, the Kachins
pushed away an ethnic group called "La" whose civilization was known to have far
greater advanced than that of the Kachins. While settling, the Kachin chieftains
(Duwas) led to occupy these new territories with long intervals ruled their
individual domain throughout. The paddy fields across the occupied territories by the
Kachins were left out by La people.However, the Kachins were incapable of growing
paddy rice, as only being accustomed to growing uplrice. Shans were therefore
invited to help grow paddy rice. The territories of north Hsenwi that the Kachins
occupied used to have been politically independent ruled by the Kachin Duwas
with self-governing systems. The territories of Kachin in north Hsenwi have been
publicly known to Kachins as "Sinli"; hereafter Hsenwi or Sinli will be applied based
on the contexts (Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014, p. 4-6). On the other
hand, there were certain territories of the Kachin Duwas in south Hsenwi such as
Mongyai, in which some were interconnected with Shan Sawbwas in one way or
After the 1500s, the Kachins also migrated into the hilly regions of Mongmyit
(Mongmit), what has now been officially Burminised as Momeik in current northern
Shan state these hilly regions that the Kachins migrated were known as
"Mungmyit Kodawng" "Loi Lung". While migrating into these regions, the
Kachins initially had a certain extent of clashes with Palaung (Ta'ang). However, both
sides were later able to compromise for peaceful coexistence. As a result, the
Kachins Palaungs agreed to distinguish general demarcations within and
between their territories Kachin Sub-State History Committee,
2014). At one point, the troops of Burmese king invaded Ngadawng Munglung,
the mountain ranges of Mongmyit, during 1874 1875, which was traditionally
ruled by a Shan Sawbwa. The Shan Sawbwa consequently asked the Kachin
mercenaries to fight against such Burmese troops the Kachins were able to
successfully expel the Burmese troops. In return, the Shan Sawbwa offered
substantially large pieces of lterritories along the east west riverbank of
Mangkung River to the Kachins for the pyrrhic victory over the Burmese troops
(Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014).
According to the historical record, the term "Sinli" was derived from the name of
mountain ranges sprawling two sides, in which one side is from Namhkam and
Nampaka till Namsan Kodawng, another side is that of the highway
connecting Lashio Muse.Therefore, such mountain ranges have been locally
known to Kachins as Sinli. Moreover, there is a Kachin village named "Sinli
Kawngra" at the threshold of the mountain ranges. As a matter of historical fact,
Asenwi was where Shan Sawbwas stationed themselves to rule the circles of
Hsenwi (Khine, 2014, p. 26). Thus, perhaps the term "Sinli" could be derived from
Hsenwi, however, Sinli was locally signified by the Kachins themselves for centuries,
as previously mentioned. The term "Mungmyit" to Kachins has also been very
common to entitle the regions that comprise Mungmyit, Kodawng, Loi Lung,
Ngadawng Munglung. As a consequence, the Kachins have been publicly
articulating "Mungmyit Sinli", by addressing the territories of north Hsenwi,
Mungmyit, Kodawng, Loi Lung, Ngadawng Munglung, since these territories
have been native to the Kachins for centuries.
迁移到掸邦 Mungmyit Sinli
Hsenwi 地区被克钦人称为“Sinli”;此后将根据上下文应用 Hsenwi 或 Sinli(克钦邦历
史委员会,2014 年,第 4-6 页)。另一方面,克钦杜瓦人在兴威南部有一些地区,例
1500年代后,克钦人也迁徙到了蒙密(Mongmit)丘陵地区,现在正式称为缅甸北部掸邦的莫梅克(Momeik),克钦人迁徙的这些丘陵地区被称为“Mungmyit Kodawng”和“Loi Lung” ”。克钦人在迁徙到这些地区的过程中,最初与巴朗(德昂)发生了一定程度的冲突。不过,双方后来都能够妥协,和平共处。因此,克钦人和巴朗人同意区分其领土内部和领土之间的一般分界线克钦邦历史委员会,2014)。 1874 年至 1875 年间,缅甸国王的军队曾一度入侵传统上由掸族索布瓦统治的蒙密山脉 Ngadawng 和 Munglung。掸族索布瓦于是要求克钦雇佣军与缅甸军队作战,克钦人成功驱逐了缅甸军队。作为回报,掸族索布瓦向克钦人提供了芒孔河东岸和西岸的大片土地,以换取对缅甸军队付出惨重代价的胜利(克钦邦历史委员会,2014)。据史料记载,“新里”一词源于绵延两侧的山脉名称,其中一侧是从南卡姆和南帕卡一直到南山和科东,另一侧是连接腊戍和木姐的高速公路。因此,这些山脉在当地被克钦人称为 Sinli。此外,在山脉的入口处有一个克钦族村庄,名为“Sinli Kawngra”。作为历史事实,阿森维是掸·萨布 (Shan Sawb) 驻扎的地方,统治着辛维(Hsenwi) 圈子(Khine,2014 年,第 26 页)。因此,也许“Sinli”一词可以源自 Hsenwi,然而,如前所述,几个世纪以来,Sinli 一直由克钦人自己在当地表示。对于克钦人来说,“Mungmyit”一词也很常见,用来称呼包括 Mungmyit、Kodawng、Loi Lung、Ngadawng 和 Munglung 在内的地区。因此,克钦人一直公开宣称“Mungmyit Sinli”,称北Hsenwi、Mungmyit、Kodawng、Loi Lung、Ngadawng和Munglung地区,因为这些地区几个世纪以来一直是克钦人的本土领土。
(Mang Hang Duwa Naw Seng, During 1880s)
Defensive Warfare against the British Colony
When the British invaded Burma, the Burmese Kingdom called Konbaung dynasty
under king Thibaw was the last of all. In the end, the British occupied both lower and
upper Burma, later known as Burma Proper, after three Anglo-Burmese Wars; the
first took place from 1824 to 1826, the second in 1852, the third in 1885 with the
overthrow of king Thibaw. Burma was subsequently annexed by the British in
January 1886 (Tegenfeldt, 1974).Accordingly, the British continued to invade the
regions of Shan states including the areas of Nyawng Shwe Sawbwa, Hsenwi
Sawbwa Hsipaw Sabwa, the Kachins' territories encompassing both
northern Shan state northern most part of Burma. However, theKachins fought
against the British. In the case of Kachins in northern Shan state, some evidences in
Mungmyit Kodawng Sinli were very significant. In Mungmyit Kodawng regions,
the cases that the Kachins operated defensive warfares were in Dinghkung, Loiseng
Rauchying, in which the Kachins fought against the British troops across the
regions in Dinghkung Loiseng in 1889 Rauchying in 1890 (Kachin Sub-State Research Group - Kutkai, 2007; Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014).
Likewise, the Kachins also operated defensive warfare in Sinli regions, in which a
Kachin chieftain named Manghang Duwa Naw Seng led a defensive warfare in 1893.
As a consequence, a British officer named Lieutenant Willam was killed in a battle
Naw Seng was also injured after several battles. Naw Seng was believed to
have eventually died at an unknown location, supposedly somewhere between
Huhpyet Manbung Loihkam near current Kutkai township that place was
commonly known as Manghang Point (Manghang Hyet) in honor of Manghang Duwa
Naw Seng (Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014, p. 52-53; Woodman, 1962).
In the long run the Kachins had to accede to the British since their military power
was much weaker than that of the British. On the other hand, after the British
occupied certain territories of current Kachin state including Bhamo Myitkyina in
1898, the Kachin Hill-Tribes Regulation (Regulation No. 1 of 1895) was enacted, in
recognition of the customary law practices of the Kachin. The administrative
areas of the regulation were the Kachin Hills within Bhamo administrative areas;
Sadon, Sama within Myitkyina administrative areas, Myitkyina Kachin Hills, Mogaung
Kachin Hills, Kamai Htawgaw Kachin Hills; The Kata Kachin Hills within Kata
administrative areas; Putao administrative areas; Kodawng Kachin Hill Tracts, within
the subdivision of Mongmit (Mungmyit); The territories of north Hsenwi where the
Kachin inhabit (Win, Han, Thein, 1990a, p. 14). The British was able to fully
control the whole Kachin territories including Hugawng valley Triangle only after
1920s (Tegenfeldt, 1974).
对英国殖民地的防御战,英国入侵缅甸时,锡包国王统治下的贡榜王朝是最后一个缅甸王国。最终,经过三场英缅战争,英国人占领了下缅甸和上缅甸,后来被称为缅甸本土。第一次发生在1824 年至 1826 年,第二次发生在 1852 年,第三次发生在 1885 年锡包国王被推翻。随后,缅甸于 1886 年 1 月被英国吞并(Tegenfeldt,1974)。因此,英国继续入侵掸邦地区,包括 Nyawng Shwe Sawbwa、Hsenwi Sawbwa 和Hsipaw Sabwa 地区,以及克钦族的领土,包括北部和北部地区。掸邦和缅甸大部分地区。然而,克钦人与英国人作战。就掸邦北部的克钦人而言,Mungmyit Kodawng 和 Sinli 的一些证据非常重要。在Mungmyit Kodawng地区,克钦人进行防御战的例子是在Dinghkung、Loiseng和Rauchying,其中克钦人于1889年在Dinghkung和Loiseng地区以及1890年在Rauchying地区与英国军队作战(克钦邦研究小组) - Kutkai,2007 年;克钦邦历史委员会,2014 年)。同样,克钦人也在新利地区进行防御战,1893年,克钦族酋长芒杭·杜瓦·诺·盛(Manghang Duwa Naw Seng)领导了一场防御战,结果英国军官威廉中尉在战斗中阵亡,诺·盛也受伤。经过几场战斗。据信,Naw Seng 最终死在一个未知的地点,据说是在 Huhpyet Manbung 和 Loihkam 之间的某个地方,靠近现在的
Kutkai 镇,那个地方通常被称为 Manghang Point (Manghang Hyet),以纪念Manghang Duwa Naw Seng(克钦邦历史)委员会,2014 年,第 52-53 页;
Woodman,1962 年)。
从长远来看,克钦人不得不加入英国,因为他们的军事力量比英国弱得多。另一方面,1898年英国占领了包括八莫和密支那在内的现克钦邦的部分领土后,颁布了《克钦山地部落条例》(1895年第1号条例),承认克钦族的习惯法和制度法。 该条例的行政区域是八莫行政区域内的克钦山;密支那行政区域Sadon、Sama、密支那克钦山、Mogaung 克钦山、卡迈和Htawgaw 克钦山;卡塔行政区域内的卡塔克钦山;葡萄行政区域; Kodawng Kachin 山区,位于 Mongmit (Mungmyit) 分区内;克钦族居住的北部 Hsenwi 地区(Win、Han 和 Thein,1990a,第 14 页)。直到 1920 年代之后,英国才能够完全控制包括 Hugawng 山谷和三角地区在内的整个克钦领(Tegenfeldt,1974)。Mungmyit Sinli Under the British Colonial Rule The British enacted the Kachin Hill-Tribes Regulations Act (1895) the regulation recognized the Kachin's customary law traditions. Importantly, the regulation empowered the Kachin chieftains (Duwas or Slangs) under the British governors. In Sinli regions, the British government appointed a District Commissioner locally known as Ayebyeng', under which 66 Circle Heads, locally known as Nebyeng', were administratively assigned. The areas of these Circle Head were (1) Mungbaw, (2) Wandin Kapna, (3) Hpawngseng, (4) Munggu, (5) Mungya, (6) Namhkyek, (7) Howa, (8) Zaubung (Namtau), (9) Namkang, (10) Munghawm, (11) Hubren, (12) Kyinghung,
(13) Mungji, (14) Wawhkyung, (15) Namjawn, (16) Munghtam, (17) Nati, (18) Lungwai, (19) Bangnoi, (20) Mungwun (Nawngleng), (21) Kangming, (22) Manlun, (23) Huidawng, (24) Huhpyek, (25) Mungli, (26) Ninglum, (27) Worabum, (28) Bangkai,
(29) Humaw (Namngawn), (30) Mung-yu (Loipau), (31) Loikang, (32) Nanoi, (33)
Namhpalun, (34) Hpak-yai, (35) Kawnglim, (36) Zaubung (Nampaka), (37) Galeng,
(38) Nahkyem, (39) Namput, (40) Kanhtang, (41) Pangkut, (42) Nawnglung, (43)
Manmak-Kawnggaw, (44) Kapna (Mungjet), (45) Loingu (Huhpik), (46) Nammaw
Auka, (47) Mungleng (Jayang), (48) Namtawng, (49) Pying-ye, (50) Manghang, (51) Namngu, (52) Oilaw, (53) Banma, (54) Mung-wi, (55) Saihkau (Bangjam), (56)
Sambu, (57) Namnak, (58) Mungmaw, (59) Hpasawm, (60) Hkaukang, (61) Mungyin, (62) Nam-yau, (63) Dingswi, (64)Wingmyint, (65) Bangnang, (66) Loipyi (Mong,2005, pp. 116-117; Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014). Likewise, under the British rule, Mungmyit Kodawng regions were originally ruled from Bhamo
in current Kachin state before becoming parts of northern Shan state, under the title of Kodawng Kachin Hill Tracts since 1890 the administrative office of Kodawng
Kachin Hill Tracts was in Munglwi (Monglu) near Shweli River. The very first officer of
Kodawng Kachin Hill Tracts was Mr. Walder. The areas of Kodawng's Circle Heads
were (1) Mandung (Manton), (2) Manbat, (3) Manpun, (4) Loiya, (5) Hubung, (6)
Man-yawn, (7) Manjawp, (8) Panggung, (9) Manmawk, (10) Hudung, (11)
Mungkawang, (12) Man-gau, (13) Sailing, (14) Loiseng, (15) Loiwing Hkajik, (16)
Sauram Dingga. While ruling the whole Burma, the British sent the Kachin troops
including some of them from Kodawng areas to Mesopotamia (the areas of presentday Iraq) from 1916-1919 during WW I all successfully returned. As a
consequence, a Manau was held as a celebration at Munglwi (Molu) near Shweli
River in northern Shan in 1919 (Dawson, 1960; Kachin Sub-State History
Committee, 2014).In fact, Shan states encompassing both southern northern parts were administratively demarcated as Federated Shan States since 1922 Council of Shan Sawbwas, officially known as Shan States Council, was subsequently formed up for the administrative body under the British. Importantly, together with the
federation of Shan States, the Burma Frontier Service had been implemented
(Frontier Areas Committee of Enquiry, 1947). Since then the territories of Kachin in
Federated Shan States had been administered by the Council of Shan Sawbwas under a British official, Commissioner or locally known as Maha Mingyit. The reason for a lack of Kachin directly administering themselves in this system could have been that the Kachin rulers like Duwas were mostly illiterate since the Kachin alphabets
were fully-fledged only after 1906 (Tegenfeldt, 1974). Therefore, perhaps the British likely considered the Kachin leaders to be incapable of running formal administration the Kachins in the eyes of the British were only a warlike people.
In the case of Wa people, they have been native to Wa states in northern Shan
state along Sino-Burma border the British had limited administrative power over Wa state (Webb, 1912). Since before the British arrival, Wa rulers had adopted the governance traditions of Shan Sawbwa. For instance, a Wa Chief named Tawang
ousted the hereditary Sawowa called Mawng San, under the auspices of north
Hsenwi entitled himself as Sawbwa "Hsokham" by establishing Htamo as
capital. Khun Sing, who replaced Tawang, had married with six wives, out of which
five were Shans (Mangrai, 1965, p. 263). Like Wa, Palaung is also a Mon-Khamar
tribe has now permanently dwelled in Shan states the Monmyit state of ruby
mines district (Webb, 1912). The territories of Taungbaing (Tawngpeng) had been
where the Palaung rulers mostly concentrated the Palaung chiefs seemed to have administratively adopted or assimilated into Shan traditions. For instance, Sao Hkun Pan Sein, Sawowa of Taungbaing used to play a central role in Council of Shan Sawbwas his erstwhile predecessors were Sao Hkam Tan Mong (Sao Hun Kyan), Sao Hkun Hseng Awn others. Kokang people, on the other hand, had been Han refugees with Ming dynasty those who fled from the oppression of Qing dynasty in 1659 to current Kokang areas, roughly 800 milesS, in Sino-Burma border
in the northern Shan. During the British rule, 1894 Convention between China and
Great Britain agreed that Kokang areas were ceded to China. However, the 1897
Convention made Kokang areas return to the British (Mong, 2005; Sun, 2017, p. 13).
Administratively, the British had changed Burma's administration in 1937 by enacting the Government of Burma Act, 1935, in which Burma Proper, Part (1) Part (I)
were divided Karenni states remained independent. As a result, current Kachin
state Federated Shan States including the territories of Kachin, Wa Kokang
had been included in Part (1) (Yaw, 2018; Government of Burma Act, 1935).
英国殖民统治下的Mungmyit Sinli
地区,英国政府任命了一位当地称为“Ayebyeng”的地区专员,在其领导下进行行政任命,当地称为“Nebyeng”的66名圈首。这些圆头的区域是 (1) Mungbaw、(2)Wandin Kapna、(3) Hpawngseng、(4) Munggu、(5) Mungya、(6) Namhkyek、(7) Howa、
(8) Zaubung (Namtau) , (9) Namkang, (10) Munghawm, (11) Hubren, (12) Kyinghung, (13) Mungji, (14) Wawhkyung, (15) Namjan, (16) Munghtam, (17) Nati, (18) Lung -wai,(19)Bangnoi,(20)Mungwu(Nawngleng),(21)Kangming,(22)Manlun,(23)Huidawng,(24)Huhpyek,(25)Mungli,(26)Ninglum,(27)Worabum , (28) Bangkai, (29) Humaw (Namngawn), (30)
Mung-yu (Loipau), (31) Loikang, (32) Nanoi, (33) Namhpalun, (34) Hpak-yai, (35)
Kawnglim , (36) Zaubung (Nampaka), (37) Galeng, (38) Nahkyem, (39) Namput, (40)
Kanhtang, (41) Pangkut, (42) Nawnplung, (43) Manmak-Kawnggaw, (44) Kapna
(Mungjet)、(45) Loingu (Huhpik)、(46) Nammaw Auka、(47) Mungleng (Jayang)、
(48) Namtawng、(49) Pying-ye、(50) Manghang、(51) Namngu、(52) )Oilaw、
(57)Namnak、(58)Mungmaw、(59)Hpasawm、(60)Hkaukang、(61) )
Mung-yin、(62) Nam-yau、(63) Dingswi、(64) Wingmyint、(65) Bangnang 和 (66)
Loipyi(Mong,2005 年,第 116-117 页;克钦邦历史委员会,2014)。同样,在英
国统治下,Mungmyit Kodawng 地区最初由现在克钦邦的八莫统治,后来成为掸邦北
部的一部分,自 1890 年起被称为 Kodawng 克钦山区,而 Kodawng 克钦山区的行政
办公室位于 Munglwi(蒙鲁)靠近瑞丽江。 Kodawng Kachin Hill Tracts 的第一任官
员是 Walder 先生。 Kodawng 的圆头区域为 (1) Mandung (Manton)、(2) Manbat、
(3) Manpun、(4) Loiya、(5) Hubung、(6) Man-yawn、(7) Manjawp、(8)
Panggung、(9) Manmawk、(10) Hudung、(11) Mungkawang、(12) Man-gau、(13)
Sailing、(14) Loiseng、(15) Loiwing Hkajik 和 (16) Sauram Dingga。第一次世界大战
队)派往美索不达米亚(今伊拉克地区),并全部成功返回。因此,1919 年,在掸邦
北部瑞丽河附近的 Munglwi(摩禄)举行了马瑙庆祝活动(Dawson,1960;克钦邦
是,缅甸边境服务局与掸邦联邦一起成立(边境地区调查委员会,1947 年)。从那时起,掸邦联邦的克钦邦领土就由掸邦索布瓦理事会(Council of Shan Sawbwas)管
理,该理事会由一位英国官员、专员或当地人称为 Maha Mingyit 领导。克钦人在这个
钦字母在 1906 年之后才完全成熟(Tegenfeldt,1974)。因此,也许英国人可能认为克钦族领导人没有能力进行正式行政管理,而克钦人在英国人眼中只是一个好战的民族。
的萨沃瓦(Mawng San),并通过建立塔莫(在行政上,英国于 1937在在行政上,英国于 1937 年通过颁布《1935 年缅甸政府法》改变了缅甸的行政管理,
其中缅甸本土、第 (1) 部分和第 (I) 部分被划分,克伦尼邦保持独立。因此,当前的克
钦邦和掸邦联邦,包括克钦邦、佤邦和果敢地区,已被纳入第 (1) 部分(Yaw,2018
年;《缅甸政府法》,1935 年)。
Expelling the Japanese from Mungmyit Sinli
When I was young, I was told by elderly recalling that "we have never seen the
Japanese Burmese in Mungmyit Sinli.
(An Elderly Kachin)
If the above statement is considered as to be true, the period could have been
around or earlier than the 1900s. The reason that the Japanese were able to reach
Mungmyit Sinli was due to a Burmese group called "Thirty Comrades (Yebaw Tone
Gyeit)" led by Aung San, the one responsible for bringing the Japanese into Burma.
As a matter of fact, the Japanese invaded Burma as a result of WW II. After the
communication with the Japanese, Aung San drew up a secret plan to meet a
Japanese intelligence named Colonel Suzuki at Amoy in 1940.Soon after the
meeting, the Thirty Comrades, future leaders of Burma Independence Army (BIA),
were given a military training by the Japanese on Hainan Islin July 1941.
Consequently, Thirty Comrades returned to Burma as BIA through Bangkok,
Thailthe BIA was under the commof the Japanese Fifteenth Army led by
Colonel Suzuki. During the war, the Japanese easily occupied lower Burma after five
months since the British abandoned Burma earlier (Callahan, 2003). The Japanese
continued their invasion along the railway to current Kachin state Shan states
including Mungmyit Sinli. In the end, the Japanese were able to control the whole
Burma. While invading across current Kachin state Shan states, the Japanese
were always antagonistic towards Kachins because they consider that the Kachins to
be too close to the British that the Japanese tortured always looked askance at
the Kachins (Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014).
Since earlier 1943, Orde Charles Wingate, a British Army Officer, attempted to
organize the hilly ethnic peoples in Burma, particularly the Kachin, Kuki, Naga and
Karen for the military trainings managed to set up regiments composed of these
hilly ethnic peoples. Northern Kachin Levy also known as "V" Force was one of the
operations. On the other hand, Joseph Warren Stilwell, an American military general,
also organized setting up Office of Strategic Service (OSS) Detachment 101 with
Kachin youths in order to fight against the Japanese. Regarding with the Kachin
Rangers of Detachment 101, six military camps had been set up in late 1943 in
current Kachin state. As such, one was established at Sinlum (Kasen) in current
Kachin state. In addition, five battalions such as (1) Gauri Battalion (2) Sinlum
Battalion (3) Battalion-Loije (4) Nbapa Battalion (5) Shawa Battalion were
founded. Subsequently, the 6th, 7th 8th battalions were formed in Mungmyit
Sinli. Throughout the battles with the Japanese, the American troops composed of
Kachin Chinese were on the one hthe British troops composed of some
hilly ethnic peoples were on the other. As far as the Kachin's sacrifices have been
taken into serious consideration, it was estimated that the Kachin soldiers serving at
both American British troops were over 12, 000. In the end, Myitkyina was under
control as the result of the auspices of these Kachin armies in August 1944
(Callahan, 2003; Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014, p. 64-65).
During WW II, the Kachin Rangers Levies were the most forceful in fighting
against the Japanese across current Kachin state Mungmyit Sinli in northern
Shan. As such, they were able to expel all the Japanese from both current Kachin
state northern Shan to Kesi, Namsan, Lawksawk Pindaya in southern Shantill Thai-Burma border. As WW Il was about to end, the 6, 7th 8th battalions of
101 Kachin Rangers celebrated a victorious ceremony
over the Japanese by holding Kachin cultural dance named Manau at Bum Sumshi
(Loisamsip) in Kutkai from 22-23 March 1945, at Mandung in Kodawng areas on 23
March at Zinlum in Bhamo from 24-26 March respectively (Kachin Sub-State
History Committee, 2014, p. 69-71). Meanwhile, Burma Proper was still under the
Japanese control. Eventually, Ba Htoo was the one who clandestinely planned to
meet Aung San for the revolution against the Japanese. As a result, Anti-Fascist
People's Freedom League (AFPFL) was formed by the Burmese nationalists
including Aung San. In the end, BIA d its revolution against the Japanese on
27 March 1945, which has been officially recognized as Myanmar Armed Forces Day
till today (the Irrawaddy, 2007). In fact, the Kachin had already expelled the
Japanese from the Kachin territories in both current Kachin state Mungmyit Sinli
in northern Shan prior to 27 March 1945.
将日本人驱逐出Mungmyit Sinli
如果上述说法属实,那么这个时期可能是在 1900 年代左右或更早。日本人之所以能
够到达Mungmyit Sinli,是因为昂山领导的缅甸组织“三十同志(Yebaw Tone Gyeit)”
员会,2014) )。1943年初以来,英国陆军军官查尔斯·温盖特试图组织缅甸山地民族,特别是克钦族、库基族、那加族和克伦族进行军事训练,并成功组建了由这些山地民族组成的军团。
本人。至于101支队的克钦游击骑兵,1943年底在现克钦邦设立了6个军营。因此,在现克钦邦的 Sinlum(卡森)设立了一个。此外还成立了(1)高里营(2)辛鲁姆营
(3)洛伊杰营(4)恩巴帕营和(5)沙瓦营等五个营。随后,第6、7、8营Mungmyit Sinli组建。在与日本人的战斗中,一方面是由克钦族和华人(中国远征军)组成的美军,另一方面是由一些山地民族组成的英军。如果认真考虑克钦人的付出,估计在美国和英国军队服役的克钦士兵超过12,000人。最终,在这些克钦人的支持下,密支那被控制住了。 1944 年 8 月的军队(Callahan,2003;克钦邦历史委员会,2014 年,第 64-
65 页)。
1945 年 3 月 22 日至 23 日在 Kutkai 的 Bum Sumshi (Loisamsip)、3 月 23 日在
Kodawng 地区的 Mandung 以及 3 月 24 日至 26 日在 Bhamo 的 Zinlum 分别举行了
名为 Manau 的克钦文化舞蹈来对抗日本人(克钦邦历史委员会,2014 年,第 69-71
定为缅甸武装部队日(建军日),直到今天(伊洛瓦底江,2007年)。事实上,克钦人在 1945 年 3 月 27 日之前就已经将日本人驱逐出克钦邦的克钦邦和掸邦北部的 Mungmyit
Kutkai Kachin Stub-State Kodawng Kachin Sub-State
After the Second World War, the British was able to recapture the whole Burma
before 1945. As a consequence, the independent process of Burma had been at its
peak the Kachins were also very much concerned for their territories. As far as
the Kachin population was concerned, current Kachin state Mungmyit Sinli in
northern Shan were where the Kachins were highly populated. The Kachin leaders in
Sinli were aware that the Kachins should have their own autonomous territories in
that they submitted a proposal signed by (24) Kachin leaders to Civil Affair ServiceBurma (CAS - Burma) in order to officially demarcate a Kachin state comprising
current Kachin state north Hsenwi for the future demarcation on 3 March 1945.
In addition, the proposal was endorsed by (49) Kachin leaders as a followed-up
process to CAS - Burma on 1 June 1945. A similar proposal was submitted to
Governor Sir Dorman, Smith, during his visit to Manau in Myitkyina from 16-20
January 1946, a Kachin traditional celebration as a pyrrhic victory over the
Japanese. At the same time, the proposal was also submitted to the Council of Shan
Sawbwas as a transparent political process. However, Mr. Stevenson, Director of
Frontier Areas, suggested that if north Hsenwi would be part of the Kachin state, the
Shans might have raised complaint against it; instead the autonomous sub-state was
suggested. For this reason, the Kachin leaders in north Hsenwi formed up a SubState Council eventually negotiated with Sao Hom Hpa, Sawbwa of north
Hsenwi, in order to allow north Hsenwi to be part of the Kachin state, however, Sao
Hom Hpa alone was not able to decide such matter. As a result, North Hsenwi
Kachin Sub-state', later known as Kutkai Kachin Sub-State, was agreed between the
members® of Sub-State Council Sao Hom Hpa, other two Sawbwas,
namely Sao Haman Hpa, Kyengmong Sawbwa, Hkun Ohn Kya (Amat Choke)
(Kachin Sub-State Research Group - Kutkai, 2007, pp. 101- 105; Kachin Sub-State
History Committee, 2014).
Similarly, Kodawng Kachin Hill Tracts had been on the administrative process
towards Kodawng Kachin Sub-State. After 1919, Mr. Camerion, a British Subdivisional Commissioner, trained a Kachin police sergeant twenty Kachin police
officers in Kodawng Kachin Hill Tracts. Moving forward, Mr. Thunderoop, successor
of Mr. Camerion, established the administrative office of Kodawng Kachin Hill Tracts
in Namsan. On 23 March 1945, after a celebration of Manau for a pyrrhic victory over
the Japanese in Manton (Mandung), the Kachin leaders across Kodawng Kachin Hill
Tracts held a public meeting, where they all agreed to change Kodawng Kachin Hill
Tracts into Kodawng Kachin Sub-State. Again, on 16 January 1946, during the
second Manau in Manton, the Kachin leaders formed Kodawng Kachin Sub-State
Council (Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014, p. 112-117).
Kutkai 克钦邦和 Kodawng 克钦次邦
该有自己的自治领土,他们向缅甸民政局(CAS - 缅甸)提交了一份由(24)克钦族
领导人签署的提案,以便正式划定一个由当前克钦族组成的克钦邦。 1945 年 3 月 3
日,克钦邦和北 Hsenwi 进行了未来的划界。此外,该提案得到了 (49) 名克钦领导人的认可,作为 1945 年 6 月 1 日 CAS - 缅甸的后续进程。类似的提案已提交给总督爵
士1946 年 1 月 16 日至 20 日,多曼·史密斯 (Dorman Smith) 访问密支那的马瑙
威的Sao Hom Hpa、Sawbwa进行谈判,以允许北辛威成为克钦邦的一部分,但只有
Sao Hom Hpa一个人无法决定是克钦邦的一部分。无法决定这样的事情。结果,北辛维克钦亚邦(后来称为 Kuthkai 克钦亚邦,kachin 专区)由亚邦委员会成员和 Sao Hom Hpa 以及其他两个 Sawbwa
(即 Sao Haman Hpa、Kyengmong Sawbwa、和 Hkun Ohn Kya (Amat Choke)(克钦邦研究小组 - Kuthkai,2007 年,第 101-105 页;克钦邦历史委员会,2014 年)。
同样,Kodawng 克钦山区一直处于 Kodawng 克钦次州的行政程序中。 1919年后,英国分区专员卡梅里恩先生在Kodawng克钦山区培训了一名克钦警长和二十名克钦警察。接下来,卡梅里恩先生的继任者 Thunderoop 先生在南山设立了 Kodawng
Kachin Hill Tracts 行政办公室。 1945 年 3 月 23 日,马瑙庆祝曼顿 (Mandung) 对抗日本人付出惨重代价的胜利后,克钦当地克钦山区的克钦族领导人举行了一次公开会议,他们一致同意将kudong地区克钦山地区改为克钦山区-状态。 1946 年 1 月 16 日,在曼顿举行的第二次马瑙会议期间,克钦族领导人成立了 Kodawng 克钦邦委员会(克钦邦历
史委员会,2014 年,第 112-117 页)。
The Kachin Sub-State Under Democratic Government of Union of Burma
Burma was to be created as a new nation state in 1947, by amalgamating Frontier
Areas including the Kachin's territories Burma Proper. Accordingly, as a result of
Panglong Agreement in February 1947 Article 8° of Aung San-Attlee Agreement
in January 1947, as part of the process to integrate Frontier Areas to unite with
Burma Proper, the Frontier Areas Committee of Enquiry (1947) was formed up to
inquire the political will of the hill-ethnic peoples including Shan, Kachin, Wa, Kokang
many others. While the Frontier Areas Committee of Enquiry held an
assessment to gather the perspectives of ethnic delegates across Frontier Areas,
Howa Duwa Hun Hung10, Duwa Zau Bawk11 Lashi Gam12 testified on behalf of
the Kachin Sub-State. Likewise, Naw Ham U13, on behalf of southern Wa state, and
Hun Sai4, on behalf of northern Wa state, testified for the political will of Wa people
so did Yang Chejel5 on behalf of Kongkang state. However, Sao Hun Pan Sein,
Sawbwa of Taungbaing on behalf of the Shan State Council as the President,
submitted a proposal for the political will of the council, rather than a specific political
will of the Palaungs (Frontier Areas Committee of Enquiry, 1947). In the end, a new
constitution was developed at National Constituent Assembly (Taing Pyu Pyi Pyu
Hutdaw) joined by both delegates of Frontier Areas Burma Proper, particularly
AFPFL delegates in June 1947. Mr. Waje Zau Ba as a representative from Kodawng
Kachin sub-state Mr. Lashi Gam, the representative from Kutkai Kachin SubState, officially joined the assembly. As a result of three Constituent Assembly for
three meetings, the Constitution of the Union of Burma (1947) was drafted. As such,
the union of Burma, a new nation state, was officially established by promulgating
the1947 Constitution in January 1948, in which it had two levels of government
comprising national state governments including Shan state government (Yaw,
2018). Unfortunately, the autonomy of Kachin sub-state was left out in the
constitution with the misassumption that the Kachins were not well equipped to
manage their own sub-state.However, the Shan state government officially released
the autonomy of Kachin sub-state as a form of recognition on 6 July 1948 (Mong,
2005). The recognized territories of Kachin sub-states had been that in the
eastwards, the territories were along the Salween River that included Hpawng Seng
(Hpawngseng), Mong Ya (Mungya), Mong Hom (Munghawm), Kying Hung
(Kyinghung), Nam Tawng (Namtawng), Mongsi (Mungji), Nam Sawn (Namjawn),
Waw Hkyung (Wawhkyung), Pying Ye (Pying-ye), Kang Mong (Kang-ming), Mong
Kyet (Mungjet) Manmak Kang Kaw (Manmak Kawnggaw). In the westwards, the
territories enclosed the areas of Shweli River encompassing Loi Hom (Loihawm),
Mang Pang (Manpang), Man Sak (Manjak) Patma (Banma). In the southwards
of north Hsenwi (Sinli), the areas had encircled Loilung (also known as Tangpeng)
Mungmyit Kodawng, then it stretched till near Bhamo (Manmaw), from there
along Burma-China borders including Namhkam (Nam Hkam), Se Lan (Jelan),
Muse, Kyingyang (Kying Yang), Kapna Wanting (Gapna Wanding) Mungko
(Munggu). In the northwards, the territories of Kachin sub-state reached till the
territory of Kokang (No. 142/149KC, 18 Sept 1947, Kachin Council, Rutkai, No. 172
SG () 48; Mong, 2005). Likewise, Kokang areas was separated from north Hsenwi
came into existence as a sub-state status during WW I (Mong, 2005, p. 39).
Along the transitional period of Burma during 1948-50 democratic government,
the representatives of the Kachin sub-state were nominated to serve the Shan state
government as state ministers (Wungyi) or members of parliament (Amat). For this reason, the Shan state government admitted the Kachin representatives nominated
by the Kachin Sub-State Council these representatives were appointed as statelevel minister or member of parliament. As a result, Duwa Lashi Gam was nominated
to take a minister position of the Kutkai Kachin Sub-State in 1947 he had served
from 1947-1952. M Zau La (M Sao La) was consequently nominated in 1952 and
served as a minister until 1958. Concurrently, Hkun Hsengl, Duwa of Kapna Wanting,
was appointed by Sao Hom Hpa, Sawowa of north Hsenwi, for the minister of Kachin
Sub-State (north Hsenwi) on 7th January, 1948, however, his service tenure was
unknown. On the other hand, Duwa Zau Seng was elected as a member of
parliament, representing Kodawng Kachin Sub-State, in 1947 he served until
1948. Moving forward, Sumka Hpauyawn La was subsequently nominated to take
the place of Duwa Zau Seng served until early 1962. During these times, Shan
state government divided the Kachin sub-state into three parts for the constituent
areas, in which part one enclosed the areas along Shweli River; part two was the
former areas of Kutkai Kachin sub-state; part three included Nahkyem, Manlun
Hwidawng closed to the areas of Hsenwi Sawbwa. Notwithstanding a certain
effort, it was not able to trace the information that reveals the representatives of each
constituent, except Duwa Luksing Zau Lat, who was elected as a representative of
the areas along Shweli River in 1953, in order to serve the Shan state government
as a minister from 1954 until Ne Win's military coup on 2 March, 1962 (Kachin SubState History Committee, 2014). Since then, the autonomy of the Kachin sub-state
has been politically undermined till today.
缅甸将于 1947 年通过合并包括克钦族领土和缅甸本土在内的边境地区而建立为一个
新的民族国家。因此,根据 1947 年 2 月《彬龙协定》和 1947 年 1 月《昂山-艾德礼
协定》第 8 条,作为整合边境地区与缅甸本土统一进程的一部分,边境地区调查委员
会 (1947)成立的目的是询问掸族、克钦族、佤族、果敢族等山地民族的政治意愿。在
边境地区调查委员会进行评估以收集边境地区少数民族代表的观点时,Howa Duwa
Hun Hung10、Duwa Zau Bawk11 和 Lashi Gam12 代表克钦邦作证。同样,Naw
Ham U13 代表佤邦南部,Hun Sai4 代表北部佤邦,为佤邦人民的政治意愿作证Yang Chejel5 代表果敢邦作证。然而,东拜县索布瓦 (Sawbwa of Taungbaing) 的
Sao Hun Pan Sein 作为主席代表掸邦议会提交了一份关于议会政治意愿的提案,而不
是 Palaungs 的具体政治意愿(边境地区调查委员会,1947 年) 。最终,1947 年 6
月,边疆地区和缅甸本土代表,特别是 AFPFL 代表加入,在国民制宪会议 (Taing
Pyu Pyi Pyu Hutdaw) 上制定了新宪法。 Waje Zau Ba 先生作为 Kodawng Kachin
sub 的代表州和克钦邦克钦邦代表拉什甘先生正式加入大会。经过三届制宪会议三次
立,颁布了《宪法》。1948 年 1 月制定的《1947 年宪法》,其中有两级政府,包括
国家和州政府,包括掸邦政府(Yaw,2018)。然而,掸邦政府于 1948 年 7 月 6 日正式释放克钦邦自治权作为承(Mong,2005)。克钦邦承认的领土是,在东部 萨
尔温江沿岸的领土包括Hpawng Seng(Hpawngseng),Mung Ya(Mungya)
Mong Hom(Munghawm),Kying Hung(Kyinghung),Nam Tawng
(Namtawng)、Mongsi (Mungji)、Nam Sawn (Namjaawn)、Waw Hkyung(Wawhkyung)、Pying Ye (Pying-ye)、Kang Mong (Kang-ming)、Mong Jet (Mungjet)
和 Manmak Kang Kaw (Manmak Kawnggaw) 。向西,领土包围了瑞丽河地区,包括Loi Hom (Loihawm)、Mang Pang (Manpang)、Man Sak (Manjak) 和Patma (Banma)。
和蒙密科当(Mungmyit Kodawng),然后延伸到八莫(Manmaw)附近,从那里沿
着中缅边界,包括南康(Nam Hkam)、Se Lan (Jelan)、Muse、Kingyang (Kying
Yang)、Kapna Wanting (Gapna Wanding) 和 Mungko (Munggu)。向北,克钦邦的领
土延伸至果敢地区(第142/149KC号,1947年9月18日,克钦邦理事会,Rutkai,第172号SG()48;蒙,2005)。同样,果敢地区与北部 Hsenwi 分离,并在第一次世
界大战期间作为次国家地位而存在(Mong,2005 年,第 39 页)。在 1948-50 年缅甸过渡时期和民主政府期间,克钦邦的代表被提名为掸邦政府服务,担任国务部长(Wungyi) 或议会议员 (Amat)。为此,掸邦政府接纳克钦邦次邦议会提名的克钦族代表,并任命这些代表为邦级部长或议会议员。结果,杜瓦拉什甘于 1947 年被提名出任库特凯克钦邦部长职务,并于 1947 年至 1952 年任职。 M Zau La(M Sao La)因此于 1952 年被提名,并担任部长直至 1958 年。同时,Kapna Wanting 的 Duwa 的Hkun Hsengl 被北 Hsenwi 的 Sawowa Sao Hom Hpa 任命为克钦邦部长。 1948 年
1 月 7 日在州(北 Hsenwi)任职,但其任期未知。另一方面,杜瓦·祖盛 (Duwa Zau
Seng) 于 1947 年当选为国会议员,代表科东克钦邦 (Kodawng Kachin Sub-State),
并任职至 1948 年。随后,苏姆卡·帕亚恩·拉 (Sumka Hpauyawn La) 随后被提名接替
杜瓦·祖盛 (Duwa Zau Seng) 并任职直到1962年初,掸邦政府将克钦邦划分为三部
前库特凯克钦邦地区;第三部分包括靠近 Hsenwi Sawbwa 地区的 Nahkyem、
Manlun 和 Hwidawng。尽管做出了一定的努力,但仍无法追踪到揭示每个选区代表的
信息,除了杜瓦·鲁辛·祖拉(Duwa Luksing Zau Lat),他被选为沿线地区的代表。
1953年瑞丽江,为掸邦服务从 1954 年起担任政府部长,直至 1962 年 3 月 2 日奈温
军事政变为止(克钦邦历史委员会,2014 年)。从那时起,克钦邦的自治权在政治上
Expelling the Kuomintang from the Kachin Sub-State
After the death of Sun Yat-sen, General Chiang Kai-shek led Kuomintang (KMT)
party that controlled China before the takeover by Communist Party of China (CPC)
under Mao Zedong who established the People's Republic of China in October 1949.
The Sino-Japanese War also ended in 1945 prior to the birth of Republic of China.
As a result of the power struggle between the two parties, the CPC expelled the
KMTs from China forcing the exiled KMTs to enter into the Kachin sub-state through
Yunnan bordered with the Kachin sub-state. Although the KMT members continued
to move towards Taiwan through Lao Thailand, a certain extent of remnant
KMTs were roaming around the Kachin sub-state. Soon after that some KMTs from
Taiwan reinforced to settle in Burma border for their political movement in China. As
a consequence, the KMTs attempted to control the Kachin sub-state. Taking up such
a matter, the Kachin Sub-State Council proposed central government through Shan
state government for military support. However, the central government was
incapable of solving the KMT problem it was also dealing with the insurgencies by
the Burmese communists the Karens. The Kachin Sub-State Council eventually
decided to take things into their own hVillage Defense Forces (VDF) were
urgently established throughout the regions in 1952. The VDF forces strategized its
military operations with three front lines in attacking KMTs in February 1953, the first
frontline at Hpawng Seng (Hpawngseng), the second at Mungko (Munggu) the
third at Manmau Loijung respectively (Kachin Sub-State History Committee,
2014, p. 105-106). As a consequence, the KMT troops started to depart from the
Kachin sub-state through Gyukuk Pangsai then Mungji areas. The VDFs
continued to expel KMTs along their retreat at one point, the KMT was so
powerful to be defeated. In the end, the VDF troops were able to expel the KMT from
the Kachin sub-state in March 1953, in which hundreds of Kachins had sacrificed
their lives (Kachin Sub-State History Committee, 2014). In addition to KMT, the
Burmese secessionist rebels like Communist Party of Burma (CB) were trying to
control Shan state including the Kachin sub-state along Sino-Burma border since
early 1950s.
孙中山去世后,蒋介石将军领导的国民党 (KMT) 控制了中国,然后由毛泽东领导的中国共产党 (CPC) 接管,并于 1949 年 10 月建立了中华人民共和国。 -日本战争也于1945年中华人民共和国诞生之前结束。由于两党权力斗争,中国共产党将国民党驱逐出中国,迫使流亡的国民党通过与克钦邦接壤的云南进入克钦邦。尽管国民党党员继续经老挝和泰国向台湾进发,但仍有一定程度的国民党残余分子在克钦邦周边游荡。不久之后,一些台湾国民党人增援缅甸边境定居,进行反华政治运动。结果,国民党试图控制克钦邦。考虑到这一问题,克钦亚邦议会通过掸邦政府向中央政府提出军事支持。然而,中央政府无力解决国民党的问题,它还要应对缅共和克伦族的叛乱。克钦邦议会最终决定亲自处理此事,并于 1952 年在整个地区紧急成立了乡村防卫军 (VDF)。 1953
年 2 月,乡村防卫军以三条前线部署了军事行动,攻击国民党,第一个前线在
Hpawng Seng (Hpawngseng),第二个前线在 Mungko (Munggu),第三个前线分别在
Manmau 和 Loijung(克钦邦历史委员会,2014 年,第 105-106 页)。结果,国民党
军队开始通过Gyukuk Pangsai和Mungji地区离开克钦邦。国防军在撤退时继续驱逐国
民党,国民党一度强大到足以被击败缅甸。最终,国防军于 1953 年 3 月将国民党驱逐出克钦邦,数百名克钦人在这场战争中丧生(克钦邦历史委员会,2014 年)。除国民党外,自20世纪50年代初以来,缅共等缅甸分裂主义叛乱分子也试图控制掸邦,包括中
The Emergence of KIO/KIA
Throughout the creation of a new sovereign Burma after 1945, the Kachin leaders
believed that the Kachins would have equal political rights under a federal
democratic system. However, the 1947 Constitution only accommodated a unitary
system that AFPFL party dominated by the Burmese nationalists controlled the
political power in both national state levels. For instance, despite clear
disapproval from the Kachin representatives lack of consent by the Kachin
public, Prime Minister U Nu ceded the Kachin territories comprising Himaw
(Hpyimaw), Gawlum (Gawlam) Kangfang (Kamhpang) to China in 1956 (Lintner,
2017, p. 6-7). Consequently, U Nu promulgated Buddhism as a state religion in 1961
(Mong, 2005, p. 6). In fact, non-Burmese delegates attempted to amend the 1947
Constitution, All State Conference held at Taunggyi in January 1961, being one
example. At the State Conference, non-Burmese delegates including Kachin, Karen,
Chin, Mon, Karenni, Karen Arakan came together in pursuit of amending the
1947 Constitution (Transnationalinstitute, 2017). However, General Ne Win took an
advantage of the conference as a pretext in making false justification that the nonBurmese delegates were clandestinely planning to dissolve the sovereign Burma by
seceding the ethnic states. After all attempts failed, the Kachin Independence
Organization (KIO)/Kachin Independence Army (KIA) emerged to hold arm against
the central regime as the last resort.
The movements to establish KIO/KIA were mobilized starting late 1950s. Mr.
Lahtaw Zau Seng, publicly known as GOC Zau Seng, secretly met with Lahtaw Zau
Tu, his brother, Malizup Zau Mai in Thai-Burma border in order to establish the
KIO/KIA. Following the meeting, the seven students from Rangoon university, (1)
Lahtaw Zau Tu, (2) Hpauyu Tu Lum,(3) Malizup Zau Mai, (4) Pungshwi Zau Seng,
(5) Hangda Brang Gam, (6) Nahpaw Gun Jawng, (7) Malang Shawng formed a
group called Seven Stars in 1957. In doing so, Mr. Lahtaw Zau Seng Seven
Stars had been accredited as the founders of KIO/KIA. In fact, these founders
organized a meeting with Kachin public including youths in Lashio, what is now the
capital of northern Shan state, on 25 October 1960, where they decided to set up the
KIO as a Kachin political wing. Consequently, the KIA as the military wing on 5
February 1961 on 15 January 1961, the Kachin Independence Council (KIC) as
the administrative arm were respectively formed in Lashio (Tu Jai, n.d; Kachin SubState History Committee, 2014, p. 171). Since then, the Kachin public in general see
the KIA as the protectionist for the Kachin people in Kachin sub-state. Therefore, the
CPB troops the remnant KMTs were once considered as the intruders of the
Kachin sub-state. Nevertheless, after the KMTs had fully withdrawn from the Kachin
sub-state, the KIO/KIA was able to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with CPB in
1976. During the 1980s, the CPB subsequently spilt into several factions in terms of
ethnic-oriented armed groups such as United Wa State Army (UWSA) Myanmar
National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) on behalf of Kokang; geographicoriented armed group like National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) representing
Mongla area. Meanwhile, the KIA has established the 4th, 6th 10th Brigades in
order to protect the right of self-determination national equality for the Kachin
people in the Kachin sub-state.
在 1945 年之后建立新的主权缅甸的整个过程中,克钦族领导人相信克钦族将在联邦
然而,1947年宪法只规定了由缅甸民族主义者主导的AFPFL党控制国家和邦两级政治权力的单一体制。例如,尽管克钦族代表明确反对,也没有得到克钦族公众的同意,吴努总理还是于 1956 年将克钦族领土(包括
Himaw (Hpyimaw)、Gawlam (Gawlam) 和 Kangfang (Kamhpang))割让给了中国
(Lintner,2017) ,第 6-7 页)。因此,吴努于 1961 年颁布佛教为国教(Mong,
2005,第 6 页)。事实上,非缅甸代表试图修改1947年宪法,1961年1月在东枝举行
尼族、克伦族和若开族在内的非缅甸代表齐聚一堂,寻求修改 1947 年宪法(跨国研
究所,2017 年)。然而,奈温将军利用这次会议作为借口,提出虚假理由,称非缅甸代表秘密计划通过脱离少数民族国家来解散主权缅甸。在所有尝试都失败后,克钦独
建立 KIO/KIA 的运动从 20 世纪 50 年代末开始动员起来。 Lahtaw Zau Seng 先生
(公众称为 GOC Zau Seng)在泰缅边境秘密会见了他的兄弟 Lahtaw Zau Tu 和
Malizup Zau Mai,以建立 KIO/KIA。
Lahtaw Zau Tu,(2)Hpauyu Tu Lum,(3)Malizup Zau Mai,(4)Pungshwi
Zau Seng,(5)Hangda Brang Gam,(6)Nahpaw Gun Jawng 和 (7) Malang
Shawng 于 1957 年组建了一个名为“七星”的团体。在此过程中,Lahtaw Zau Seng 先
生和七星被认可为 KIO/KIA 的创始人。事实上,这些创始人于 1960 年 10 腊戍(现在的掸邦北部首府)组织了一次与克钦公众(包括年轻人)的会议,决定成 立克钦独立组织作为克钦政治派别。因此,克钦独立军(KIA)作为军事部门,分别 于 1961 年 2 月 5 日和 1961 年 1 月 15 日在腊戍成立,克钦独立委员会(KIC)作为
行政机构(Tu Jai,nd;克钦次邦历史委员会,2014 年,p) . 171).从那时起,克钦
钦独立军得以在 1976 年与 CPB 谈判达成停火协议。在 20 世纪 80 年代,CPB 随后
This brief history is stressed to share a genuine historical political background
from the time of the Kachins migrating into the Kachin sub-state in Shan state of
Burma. This is also to reiterate the fact that the Kachins acquired their sub-state
territories with their enormous sacrifices throughout generations. Moreover, the
Kachins protected the Kachin sub-state with their utmost efforts from the foreign
invasions - the British as well as from the Japanese even when the enemies they
fought against were far more advanced powerful. To this end, the Kachins have
been fighting for the right of self-determination national equality for the Kachin
sub-state till today, together with other indigenous ethnic peoples such as Shan, Wa,
Palaung, Kokang others. Most importantly, as the Shan state has been the
home of certain indigenous peoples for both majorities minorities, the Kachins in
Shan state are instinctively aware that peaceful coexistence, which underscores the
fundamental rights including the political right of the iigenous people including
Kachins, has been the basic principle of all ethnic peoples in Shan state.