The spokesman for the presidential office, Zhuo tie, said the government would invite FPNCC to attend the third twenty-first Century bin long meeting, but whether all members of FPNCC should be included should be negotiated between the two sides. In addition, the government the Burmese army are also negotiating the relevant issues of the peace process.
The representative of the government, Mr La monry, said: "inviting the unsigned group to attend the twenty-first Century Bon lung conference will be decided by the federal peace talks Joint Commission UPDJC. At the last meeting of the Bon lung, we invited the unsigned organization to attend the Bon lung meeting as an observer. Therefore, this time, I hope the government will invite them.
FPNCC has issued a statement saying that if the government invited them to attend the conference, they would be present.
In May 2017, due to China's coordination, FPNCC attended the second twenty-first Century Bon lung conference. On May 18, 2018, Sun Guoxiang, the special envoy for Asian affairs of the Ministry of foreign affairs of China, called on FPNCC to attend the third twenty-first Century bin long meeting in Kunming, China, during talks with FPNCC.