今天7月4日早晨缅甸时间8点50分左右 ,棒赛/徘镐村(U Raw Bum)上方面的我军克钦军6旅36营和果敢军团队(MNDAA)联合军队所驻扎地区一带 ,有大量缅军第11师麾下的Ka.m.y216营和217营的60名士兵,进入联军防区,并准备向联军进攻时踩到了3个地雷。所以缅军只能先暂时往后方Dung Aw 和Zenshan方面撤出,然后缅军往我军方面发射了炮弹17枚。 可幸运的是我方军人无一人受伤,得知敌军方面因踩到地雷有六名士兵不幸伤亡。
还有得知敌军还在附近扎营,很有可能敌军方面还会找机会进攻我方联合军, 会有
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This morning, July 4, around 08:50 Myanmar time, the area where our Kachin Army 6th Brigade 36th Battalion the Kokang Army team (MNDAA) United forces are stationed on the side of U Raw Bum, A large number of 60 soldiers8 from Ka.m.y216 Battalion 217 Battalion, belonging to the 11th Tatmadaw Division, entered the coalition area stepped on three mines as they prepared to attack the coalition forces. So the Tatmadaw had to withdraw from Dung Aw Zenshan for a while then fired 17 shells at our side. Fortunately, none of our soldiers were injured, we learned that six soldiers were killed or injured on the enemy side because they stepped on a mine. It is also known that the enemy is still encampment nearby, it is very likely that the enemy side will also find an opportunity to attack our coalition forces there will be war conflicts. So please prepare our regiment for ground combat pay close attention to the enemy situation.
Mali zup seng ying