KIO Tatmadaw Representative Dali the second negotiation broke down recently (August 5) KIO Chairman Nbanna was invited to attend a meeting with the Myanmar military in Dali, China. The meeting was on the terms of a ceasefire agreement between KIO Myanmar.
The Burmese side demanded that ceasefire negotiations be conducted on the basis of the signing of a national ceasefire agreement the first acceptance by the KIO of the policies principles formulated by the military.
Kachin called for a ceasefire to be negotiated achieved on the basis of the 1994 ceasefire the 2013 agreement with Myanmar. The two sides had no common ground for negotiations, the talks were concluded within five minutes of the beginning of the meeting.
The Chinese side hopes that the two sides will reach an agreement as soon as possible, but the two sides are unswerving in their position. Moreover, the level of representatives of the Myanmar side was not equal to that of the Kachin side. Kachin refused the terms of the negotiations on the Burmese side, informed the Chinese envoy Sun that he would voluntarily withdraw from the venue.
The 1994 ceasefire agreement was based on the Chinese proposal, the two sides reached an agreement consensus: after the introduction of an elected government, the two sides on the table to resolve the issue of ethnic disputes in Myanmar, on the table to fight for national political demands. That is, a ceasefire agreement signed under the political commitment to resolve the problem through political dialogue. Myanmar's military unilaterally tore up the agreement has been using military violence to resolve ethnic disputes.