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0 northernalliance 2018年09月05日

IMG_20180905_191712.png)——联合国独立国际缅甸实况调查团的报告今日敦促,必须对涉嫌若开邦北部的种族灭绝罪以及若开邦、克钦邦和掸邦的危害人类罪和战争罪的缅甸高级军官,包括总司令敏昂莱(Min Aung Hlaing)大将,进行调查和起诉。






报告指出,“若开邦的罪行及其犯罪方式,在性质、严重性和范围上,与那些在其他情况下纵容种族灭绝意图的罪行相似。” “指向这种意图的因素包括:更大范围的压迫环境和仇恨言辞、指挥官和直接肇事者的特定言谈、排除政策(包括改变若开邦的人口构成)、表明销毁计划的组织水平、以及暴力的极端规模和残酷性。“

作为调查和起诉的优先事项,调查团制定了一份嫌疑肇事者的名单,认为这些人对这些侵犯行为进行了实质性的操控并应承担最大的责任。最高层,包括塔玛都总司令敏昂莱大将,负有首要责任。报告中还提到了另外五名军事指挥官:副总司令梭温(Soe Win)副大将、国防部第3特别作战总局司令昂觉卓(Aung Kyaw Zaw)中将、西部军区司令孟孟梭(Maung Maung Soe)少将、陆军33机动师师长昂昂(Aung Aung)准将、陆军99机动师师长丹武(Than Oo)准将。联合国人权事务高级专员将保管一份更长的名单,并可能向根据国际规范和标准追究责任的任何主管和可信机构提供。






调查团记录了塔玛都士兵的大规模杀戮、烧毁罗兴亚定居点、以及大规模轮奸和其他性暴力行为。一名幸存者令人心酸的证词揭露了性暴力的可怕程度:她说:“幸运的是,我只被三名男子强奸。” 强奸行为通常发生在公共场所和家人(包括儿童)面前。调查团还见到了许多有明显伤痕的儿童。他们的伤痕可能是因枪击、刺伤或烧伤所致。卫星图像证实了广泛、系统、蓄意和有针对性破坏的陈述,在此期间,罗兴亚定居点被烧毁,但附近的若开族定居点未受损害。

报告指出:“政府和塔玛都助长了一种仇恨言论猖獗、侵犯人权行为合法化、煽动歧视和暴力行为的气氛。” 调查团发现了许多仇恨言论和煽动暴力行为的例子,包括一个主要若开族政党于2012年11月引用希特勒的话,认为“非人道行为”有时是“维持种族”所必需的。








The report of the United Nations Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar today urged that senior Burmese military officers suspected of genocide in northern Rakhine State crimes against humanity war crimes in Rakhine, Kachin Shan States, Including the Commander-in-Chief, Senior General (Min Aung Hlaing), to investigate prosecute. The United Nations Human Rights Council established the mission in March 2017. The Mission found numerous human rights violations abuses in Kachin, Rakhine Shan States, mainly by Tamadou (Myanmar Defence Force) other security forces, which "undoubtedly constitute the most serious crimes under international law". The report states: "the need for military action can never justify indiscriminate killings, rape of women, attacks on children the burning of villages. The tactics adopted by Tamadu are very disproportionate to the actual security threats they face, especially in Rakhine State in northern Myanmar. " "the rejection, normalization impunity of these human rights violations are alarming. Tamar's contempt for human life, physical mental integrity, freedom international law should be of concern to all people. " Crimes against humanity committed by the Myanmar Defence Forces in Kachin, Shan Rakhine States include murder, imprisonment, enforced disappearances, torture, rape, sexual slavery other forms of sexual violence, persecution slavery. In addition, there is an element of extermination expulsion in Rakhine State for crimes against humanity. The Mission also concluded that "there is sufficient information to support the investigation prosecution of senior officials in the Tamadu chain of commin order to allow the competent courts to establish their responsibility for acts of genocide related to the situation in Rakhine State." The report states that "the crimes committed in Rakhine State the manner in which they are committed are similar in nature, gravity scope to those that otherwise condone genocidal intent." "factors that point to this intention include broader oppressive environments hate rhetoric, specific statements by commanders direct perpetrators, exclusion policies (including changes in the demographic composition of Rakhine State), groups that indicate destruction plans The level of fabric, the extreme scale brutality of violence. "as a matter of priority for investigation prosecution, the Mission has drawn up a list of suspected perpetrators who are considered to have carried out substantive manipulation of these violations to bear the greatest responsibility. The primary responsibility rests at the highest levels, including the Commander-in-Chief of Tamadu, Senior General Min Aung Lay. Five other military commanders were mentioned in the report: deputy Commander-in-Chief, Deputy General (Soe Win), Lieutenant General (Aung Kyaw Zaw), Commander of the third Special Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Defence, Commander of the Western military region, Meng Monseau (Maung Maung Soe) General, Brigadier General Aung (Aung Aung), Army 33rd Mobile Division Commander, Brigadier General (Than Oo), Army 99 Mobile Division Commander. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights will maintain a longer list may make it available to any competent credible institution responsible in accordance with international norms standards. The report indicates that the civilian authorities have little control over the operations of Tamadu. The report also found that "the conduct neglect of civil authorities have contributed to the perpetration of atrocities." According to the report, "Senior Minister Aung San Suu Kyi did not use her role as head of Government or moral authority to prevent what was happening in Rakhine State." "impunity is deeply rooted in Myanmar's political legal system, allowing Tamar to be above the law," the report said. It add
