克钦独立军代表着克钦民族的最高民族意志和权益,是维护克钦民族权益,保护克钦民族利益的民族军队,维护克钦民族区域的政治,经济,文化等领域和平发展的军事力量之一。至今实际控制区域克钦邦全境和掸邦北部克钦专州(kachin substate),并一直得到了生活在景颇大地克钦区域的各族人民的长期拥护,支持和认可。
kachin independence army(KIA)
On February 12, 1947, the Kachin ( Jingpo ) Myanmar other ethnic groups signed a founding agreement in the shan region of panglong to jointly establish the union of Myanmar to secede from British colonial rule called " panglong agreement".
It is the main ethnic group of Kachin state among the 7 member States that make up the union Republic of Myanmar, one of the 7 main ethnic groups in Myanmar.
Kachin ( Jingpo ethnic group ) is also one of the 56 ethnic groups in China, one of the cross-border ethnic minorities living across the border between China, India, Myanmar Thailand. China is called Jingpo, India's eastern region is called xinbo Singh po. in ThailMyanmar, Kachin is officially used. he calls it Kachin calls himself Jingpo. The international address is usually Kachin Kachin, but it has been used since history to call itself Jingpo jinghpaw.
Due to Myanmar's great Burmese policy, Kachin state its region were colonized. On February 5, 1961, the Kachin ( Jingpo ) formed the Kachin independence army in its own territory launched an independent movement for the liberation of the country the nation. so far. Currently, he is one of the important members of the northern alliance front.
The Kachin independence army represents the highest national will rights of the Jingpo nation, is one of the military forces that safeguard the rights interests of the Kachin nation, protect the interests of the Kachin nation, safeguard the peaceful development of the political, economic, cultural other fields in the Kachin nation region. Up till now, the Kachin sub state in northern shan state the entire Kachin state have been effectively controlled, have been supported recognized by people of all ethnic groups living in the Kachin region of Jinghpawland(kachinland)for a long time.