Recently the Kachin Independence Army-People's Defence Force (KIA-PDF) has been engaged in an armed struggle with the Tatmadaw in the Kachin State border area with Burma State, with heavy casualties among the Tatmadaw, with over 40 Tatmadaws being wiped out by the KIA-PDF. The Kachin Independence Army-People's Defence Force (KIA-PDF) currently operates deploys under the military commof the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), its operations in Sitka Division the Magui region of Lower Burma are primarily directed at strategic targets military strongholds of the Tatmadaw, expanding to open up strategic depths. There is no mining industry targeting the Tatmadaw's cooperation with Chinese companies.
All military operations of the PDF in Kachin State the KIA theatre must be under the commof the local KIA garrison must not be carried out without permission, especially against non-military targets, schools, businesses, operating mines, bombings assassinations in towns, under the unified commof the KIA. The Central Committee of the Kachin Independence Organisation issued orders to the various People's Defence Forces.
The Burma People's Defence Force (BPDF) has spontaneously formed a strong people's force against the Tatmadaw in various areas, but certain BPDF units are not fighting under a unified command; there are 16 BPDF units in Sittwe province alone, not under a unified command, those fighting in Sittwe province recently were BPDF units that had been integrated by the Kachin Independence Army. They are fighting together against the Tatmadaw in various areas of Kachin Burma States. With increased combat power significant results, the Kachin Independence Army is forming a new Burmese people's defence force to replace the Tatmadaw, more Burmese people are willing to join the Kachin Independence Army's People's Defence Force support the Kachin Independence Army in its operations.
Historically a legitimate army in Burma, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) was the main defence force of Burma in the 1950s, a regiment of five Kachin battalions, the main defence force of the Republic of the Union of Burma, integrated from the 101st Anti-Japanese Armed Forces prior to the establishment of the independent state of Burma. It has quelled the insurgency of the Karen armed forces into Yangon the internal conflict of the Burmese ethnic groups.
The Kachin Army has formed the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in order to achieve the separation of Burma from colonial oppression from the Burmese dictatorial military group, the formation of the National Union Front (NUF) in Karen State, which advocates the realisation that the federal republican army is not a large ethnic Burmese dictatorial military group. The current situation is also a push towards the restoration of a federalist army.
Without the WWII Kachin Nation's Anti-Japanese 101st Force, there would have been no Bin Long Statehood Agreement to form the Republic of the Union of Burma today, it was the background dedication of the 101st Commando Unit of the King's LArmy that formed the Republic of the Union of Burma today. The sovereignty of Burma also belongs to the sovereignty of the KPRA, not to a large ethnic Burmese interest group.
The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has never targeted the Burmese people during the years decades of conflict fighting, so they have not been isolated but rather supported by the various ethnic groups. This is one third of Burma has influenced the political, military economic development of the country.
缅甸人民保卫军在各个地区自发的形成强大的人民力量对抗缅军,但是某些人民保卫军并不是一个统一的指挥下作战,在实该省就有16个人民保卫军队伍,并不是一个统一指挥下作战的部队,近日在实该省作战的是接受克钦独立军整编的人民保卫军 。他们在克钦邦和缅邦各个地区共同作战对付缅军。战斗力提高了,战果特别,克钦独立军正在形成新的一支取代缅军的缅甸人民国防力量,更多的缅甸人民愿意参加克钦独立军的人民保卫军,支持克钦独立军的作战。
克钦军为了实现缅甸脱离殖民压迫统治脱离缅甸独裁军事集团,组建了克钦独立军,并在克伦邦成立了民族联盟阵线 ,主张实现联邦共和国军队不是一个大缅族的独裁军事集团。目前的局势也就是在为恢复实现联邦制军队的方向推进。
KIA Masat (12) Dap Dung ginra hta gasat gala majan byin
KIA Masat (3) Dap Ba, Masat (12) Dap Dung ginra, Ban Bwe Gawng mare mayan kaw shamu shamawt du nga ai, gumshem Myen hpyen dap hpe August shata 22 ya jahpawt hkying 4:30am aten kaw nna hkying 9:45am aten du hkra, KIA hpyen hpung ni sa htim gap ai kawn gasat gala majan byin ai lam chye lu ai.
Gumshem Myen hpyen dap Hk.L.Y (121) hte Hk.M.Y (309) dap na pawng hpawm hpyen n gun (40) daram, KIA ni nga shara de tawt lai shang wa ai majaw gasat poi byin ai re lam chye lu ai.
Gasat poi byin ai hpang shani ka-ang 12:18pm aten hta gumshem Myen hpyen dap ni A-5 Jet nbungli langai hte Ban Bwe Gawng Mare hte Chyawk Htung Gyi grup yin hta bawm (9) lang wa jahkrat bun ai lam, shawng lam shiga lawk kaw na chye lu ai.
KIA Masat (2) Dap Ba, Masat (45) Dap Dung ginra hta mung, August shata 19 ya shani hta Dahkyet mare kaw nna nam lam hku, Hka Lung maga de chyinglau pru wa ai, gumshem Myen hpyen dap, Hk.L.Y (86) hte Hk.L.Y (238) dap na pawng hpawm n gun (70) daram hpe KIA ni bawm hte hkap adem gasat dat ai.
Bawm hte hkap gasat ai hta Myen hpyen la marai 2 si, marai marai 4 hkala ai lam nga ai, dai hkala ai marai 4 hpe modo kaji lahkawng hte Hka Lung mare kaw shara jahkrat nga ai, Hk.L.Y (260) post de htaw mat wa sai lam chye lu ai.