在3月20日在掸邦北部地区,德昂联军与南掸邦军和缅军步兵营259.252.324.营组合的战斗部队在MAI MU ,NAMBUM ,PANBU DI发生交火。
The Rakhine people in Yangon no longer hold this year's water-splashing festival.
Since the Burmese Army the Rakhine Army(AA) have been engaged in a national war in Rakhine State, the Rakhine National Cultural Association decided to stop the Rakhine traditional water festival celebration held in Yangon on April 12 of each year, but only held simple prayers. ceremony.
Because Ruokai people believe that if they open troops, they will fight for the political rights national liberation of the Ruokai people. The Rakhine nation is in a deep war environment countless war refugees are suffering. So the decision not to hold a splashing festival celebration orgy.
The Tatmadaw announced that it would stop four months of war operations in northern Myanmar, stabilize the situation in the North, concentrate its troops on attacking the Rakhine State army. The plan was to directly clear the Rakhine State Army(AA), so the fighting in Rakhine State led to the creation of a large number of Rakhine refugees during the war.
The Myanmar side announced a ceasefire for four months. The North Burmese coalition forces the Burmese army did not stop the military conflict.
On March 20th in the northern part of Shan State, the fighting forces of the coalition forces of Den the Southern Shan State Army the Burmese infantry battalion 259.252.324. exchanged fire in MAI MU, NAMBUM, PANBUDI.